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Characterizing the work processes and escorting implementation of the WMS and TMS systems

A successful implementation of WMS (Warehouse Management System) is based on matching processes and technologies to the organization's activity and on a methodical assimilation of the system


A typical project includes:


Stage 1 – preparing an RFP specification and escorting the process until a WMS supplier is selected


  • Visiting the company's warehouse, meeting relevant position holders, conducting observations of the work processes and other activities in order to assess the existing systems and needs

  • Preparing a characterization document of the work processes around the WMS system (by way of flowcharts), based on the existing processes and suggested improvements 

  • Preparing an RFP (Request for Proposals) document defining the system requirements, including a general description of the warehouse building, WMS surroundings, reports and inquiries, and an Appendix of Work Processes

  • The list of main processes to be characterized:

    • reception

    • storage

    • replenishments

    • transfers

    • picking

    • stocktaking

    • logics definitions

  • The material will be forwarded to you for preparation, followed by a presentation of the work to you

  • During the presentation, a discussion of different subjects will be held; these include topics defined in advance and others that come up during the meeting

  • Updating the RFP document according to the subjects raised in the meeting and issuing a final version

  • Distribution of the RFP to potential suppliers

  • Examining and comparing the proposals received, including meetings with suppliers on their premises

  • Assisting in the negotiation and selection of the supplier most suitable for you

  • Assisting in issuing a Work Order to the winning supplier

  • Detailed specification with the selected WMS supplier at the client's site. 

This process takes about two months and includes 1 or 2 five-hour meetings during those months

  • Setting the work configuration between the ERP and the WMS


Stage 2 – escorting the development, implementation, assimilation and launch


  • Detailed specification of the interfaces to the ERP and the automated systems

  • Defining the structure of locations at the warehouse, should we decide a change is required

  • Preparing a file on the warehouse's infrastructures

  • Uploading data on items, clients, etc. and keeping them updated

  • Defining cargo labels, shipment labels and signage, according to changes required in the process

  • Preparing a launch program in terms of timetables for the different stages

  • Defining required tests for the interfaces

  • Defining required simulations

  • Preparing the transition plan from the aspect of continuous operation between the existing system and the new WMS system, with an emphasis on concurrent transition to another ERP software

  • Preparing a plan for transferring the real data between systems towards the launch

  • Examining the required manpower for the launch project

  • Characterizing the reports and inquiries which are required for ongoing operation

  • Ongoing support to the system administrator in the lead up to the change

  • Support throughout the dilemmas and problems that arise during assimilation, launch, and running

  • Providing support throughout the launch and commissioning period, until the system has stabilized

  • After the launch, examining the ability to increase productivity using the system

  • Checking that the system performs optimally, as set out in the strategies

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